

아동문학과 생태비평


Children’s Literature and Ecocriticism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ecocriticism is an activity which adapts us better to the world and may possibly play a role in the welfare and survival of mankind through the insight it offers. Therefore, it is very imperative that children’s literature be concerned with social issues related to environmental problems and the interconnection between nature and culture. This paper is focused on the ecocriticism of three picture books and three young adult fictions: Brother Eagle, Sister Sky, The Lorax, Zoo, Charlotte’s Web, City of Beasts, and Calypso Dreaming. For the approach to these children’s books, three ecocritical positions were applied; ecocentrism, deep ecology, and ecofeminism. In these books, the writers use each story as a vehicle to question the central beliefs of our society concerning the environment, and these stories also bestow artistic as well as scientific ecological insight and commit to the preservation of the biological diversity of the planet for all its inhabitants. It is old knowledge that we make and are made by the environment where we live. We are part of the environment and human beings can affect it negatively as well as positively. The future world of the environment will bear the imprint of human endeavor and aspirations. It can be either utopia or dystopia.


I. 서론
 II. 생태중심적 환경론과 Charlotte’s Web(1952), Brother Eagle, Sister Sky(1991)
 III. 심층 생태학과 The Lorax(1971), City of Beasts(2002)
 IV. 에코페미니즘(Ecofeminism)과 Zoo(1992), Calypso Dreaming(2002)
 V. 맺음글
 Works Cited


  • 김덕규 Kim, Duck Kyu. 춘천교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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