

영어 결과문의 병치제약


Collocational Restriction on English Resultatives


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to provide a proper explanation to the collocational dependency between resultative phrases and verbs of resultative sentences. Resultative sentences describe the state of an internal argument referent resulting from the action denoted by the verb. The analysis of resultative sentences in this paper are based on Goldberg’s constructional view. Under the constructional view, resultative sentences are assumed to be composed of verbal subevent and constructional subevent. The verbal subevent and constructional subevent must be intergrated via causal relationship. I suggest two types of resultatives according to the causative meaning that resultatives have: lexical causative resultatives (LCR) which have the causative meaning from an inherent lexical verb and constructional causative resultatives (CCR) which get the causative meaning from constructional subevent. The CCR is analyzed as having a constructional subevent and a verbal subevent. The LCR, on the other hand, is understood as having a constructional subevent only. The CCR shows more restricted collocation dependency between verbs and resultative phrases than the LCR. I propose that the CCR must satisfy a causal relationship constraint in the cause and result relationship between constructional subevent and verbal subevent, whereas the LCR is free from the causal relationship constraint because the LCR is assumed to have only constructional subevent.


I. 서론
 II. 구조적 사역 결과문과 어휘적 사역 결과문
 III. 구조적 하위사건과 동사적 하위사건의 관계
 IV. 결과술어의 제약
 V. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 탁기현 Kihyun Tak. 상지대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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