

Overcoming Learning Difficulties and Learning New Languages


Cho, HongSup

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After identifying the differences between the learning disability and learning difficulty, this study discusses acquiring a new language by overcoming language learning difficulties. Some results are suggested as following. Overcoming learning difficulties is possible because learning is a stratified process. Children need to start at the lower levels of and then gradually progress to the higher levels. Effective language learning is dependent upon ample repetition of the language elements. The more the child is exposed to language, the quicker she will start to understand speech and later also start speaking. Adults’ self-directedness, life experiences, independence, and motivation provide them with advantages. Attaining a working ability to communicate may actually be easier and more rapid for the adult. The greatest obstacle is the doubt that older adults can learn a new language. Hearing loss can affect a person’s ability to understand speech. Visual acuity also decreases with age. Exercises such as oral drills and memorization also discriminate against the adult learner. They learn best not by rote, but by integrating new concepts and material into existing cognitive structures. Speed is another factor that works against the older learner, so fast-paced drills and competitive exercises and activities may not be successful with the older learner. The most important thing is not to give up. Having mastered the difficulties by long and hard study, learners are sure to feel very pleased when they are able to command the new language.


I. Introduciton
 II. Learning Difficulties and Learning Disabilities
  1. Learning Disabilities in Children
  2. Learning Difficulties in Adults
  3. Overcoming Learning Difficulties
 III. Language-learning Ditficulties after Critical Period
  1. The Cntical/Sensitive Period Hypothesis
  2. Language-Learning Difficulties in Adults
  3. Speech and Language Learning Difficulties
 IV. Overcoming Problems
  1. Overcoming Common Language Problems
  2. Overcoming Communication Difficulties
  3. Adult Languaae Learning
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Cho, HongSup 조홍섭. Korea National University of Transportation


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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