

바셀미와 카버의 단편소설에 나타난 사회병리성


Social Pathology in Short Stories of Barthelme and Carver


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to identify social pathology in postmodern society by analyzing short stories of Bartheleme and Carver. They are known as outstanding minimalists in minimalist school of fiction in 1970s. Barthelme’s and Carver’s short stories have indeterminacy in common. Thus, it is very difficult to find an unified theme in each short story because of fragmentary form. Nevertheless, this study examines social pathology in Bartheleme’s and Caver’s short stories. For Barthelme, Views of My Father Weeping shows the loss of objective truth in everything. Narrator can’t know the genuine meaning of reality because he can never find the true cause of his father’s death. In City Life, there is amorality in sexual relationship between man and woman because of subjective truth. Two university students’ sexual lifes seem to be self-destructive and grotesque in view of moral value. For Carver, in What We Talk about When We Talk about Love, Mel is obsessed by his own idea of love and he has no ability to empathize with his wife due to his self-centered character and emotional blindness. In Cathedral, narrator shows his inability to connect with his wife by the same reason. Finally, we can say that Carver shows us the conflict between husband and wife caused by the failure of communication while Barthelme shows us frustration caused by the loss of absolute meaning and sexual amorality.


I. 서론
 II. 바셀미의 단편 : 불안한 진실과 성윤리 부재
 III. 카버의 단편 : 부부간의 소통 부재
 IV. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 박병주 Park ByungJoo. 한국교통대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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