

『고함과 분노』와 『위대한 개츠비』에 투영된 시간의 존재와 의미


A Study of the Matter of Time Represented both in The Sound and Fury and in The Great Gatsby


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the matter of time represented both in The Sound and Fury and in The Great Gatsby, focusing on the relationship between one’s obsession with the past and one’s quest for his dream. The protagonist of each of the two works leads his life through his memory of the past, and the questing of his dream. Quentin and Benjy of The Sound and Fury always carry memories of Caddy as an uncorrupted whole being in the old days. And in The Great Gatsby, Gatsby also maintains a good memory of Daisy as a clean and uncorrupted lover of his youth. In a broad sense, while Faulkner describes the dream of the declining South and its decadence through his work, Fitzgerald shows American society changed by materialism and moral corruption, asking the meaning of the American dream. Through these two works, we get to know that the consciousness of the protagonist in each work stays still stagnant and circles around their past, struggling with destiny while searching for his dream. Consequently, the main characters of both works can’t help meeting their doom as a result of indulging in the past and questing for unattainable dreams, without comprehending the real meaning of time and understanding life as the whole that it is.


I. 서론
 II. 시간의 존재와 의미
 III. 탈시간성과 숙명성
 IV. 꿈의 추구와 상실
 V. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 박광희 Kwanghee Park. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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