

국어와 영어 결과문


A Comparative Study of Korean and English Resultatives


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper deals with two questions related to Korean resultatives. One is about the constructional meaning of Korean resultatives. English resultatives are known to have a constructional meaning of ‘X CAUSE [Y BECOME Z]’, which is correspond to the constructional subevent of Goldberg & Jackendoff(2004)’s analysis of resultatives. Compared to this, I suggest a generalized form of ‘X AFFECT Y To CAUSE [Y' BECOME Z]’ in addition to the constructional meaning of English resultatives mentioned above as constructional meanings of Korean resultatives. It is derived from the Korean resultatives which have an independent embedded clause in the resultatives. The other issue discussed in this paper is concerned with the Goldberg(1997)’s Causal Relation Hypothesis. I suggest a revised causal relation hypothesis using features which represents a combination of conceptual function and contextual function. The conceptional function reflects the speaker’s experience of the world, and the contextual function indicates a relationship between the verbal subevent and the constructional subevent in the sense of Goldberg & Jackendoff(2004)’s analysis of resultatives. With this feature based constraint, I show that a pragmatic explanation is possible on the Korean unergative resultatives.


I. 서론
 II. 국어와 영어 결과문
 III. 국어의 구조 하위사건
 IV. 인과관계의 화용론적 해석
 V. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 탁기현 Kihyun Tak. 상지대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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