

Wh-scrambling as D-linking Movement


Kwon, Jongil

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper addresses that Wh-scrambling in Korean is closely related to the discourse-based operation required by information structure of a sentence; especially, it can be analyzed as movement of D-linked Wh-phrases in the sense of Pesetsky (1987). This paper stands against the traditional view that Wh-scrambling is analyzed as either an optional Wh-movement or Focus movement. Rather, providing the counterevidence that Korean Wh-scrambling does not have any typical properties Wh-movement and Focus movement usually show in other languages, this paper has throughly argued that in certain syntactic and semantic respects, scrambling appears to mark a direct object Wh-phrase D-linked by placing it in the left periphery of a sentence. As a result, this paper suggests that scrambled Wh-phrases are derived from D-linking movement, which is a narrow syntax operation to the edge (more specifically. Spec, ΔP) of CP for checking a discourse feature (i.e. [+Δ]). From a semantic perspective, D-linked Wh-phrases should be interpreted as non-quantificational, presupposed and specific. These semantic properties are sharply distinct from the ones of typical Wh- or Focused phrases.


I. Introduction
 II. Previous Analyses
  1. Wh-movement Hypothesis
  2. Focus Movement Hypothesis
 III. Proposal and Analysis
  1. What is D-linking?
  2. The Grammatical Properties of Scrambled Wh-phrases
  3. Wh-scrambling as D-linking Movement
 IV. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Kwon, Jongil 권종일. Kyungnam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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