

심리 동사의 의미 구조와 논항 구조


Semantic Structure and Argument Structure in Psychological Verbs


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper deals with semantic structure and argument structure in psychological verbs. They can be defined as verbs describing psychological or mental state of animate beings. Since psychological verbs show the phenomena related to meaning, it is difficult to describe and explain them in terms of syntactic structure. Postal (1971) points out that the structural approach cannot explain the active-passive pairs in psychological verbs. Levin (1993) classifies psychological verbs in regard to argument structure. She presents four types: amuse verbs, admire verbs, marvel verbs, and appeal verbs. Amuse and admire verbs belong to transitive verbs, whereas marvel and appeal verbs intransitive verbs. Croft (1991) suggests causativity relation to explain semantic structure in psychological verbs. He represents amuse verbs as causal chain, and admire verbs as direct causal state. Psychological verbs assign Experiencer and Theme to argument structure. In syntactic realization, Experiencer can appear as subject or object, and also Theme as subject or object. This means that mismatch occurs between argument structure and syntactic structure. In order to handle it, Grimshaw (1990) proposes thematic hierarchy and causal hierarchy. Belletti & Rizzi (1988) explain the mismatch appearing in psychological verbs in Italian. They argue that according to Burzio’s (1986) generalization, Theme can be moved to subject position. Grimshaw and Belletti & Rizzi show that it is adequate to analyze the phenomena occurring in psychological verbs in terms of argument structure based on meaning.


I. 서론
 II. 심리 동사의 특성
 III. 심리 동사의 분류
 IV. 심리 동사의 의미 구조
 V. 심리 동사의 논항 구조와 통사 구조
 VI. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 정원돈 Jeong, Weon-Don. 세명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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