

Emerging Technologies; Online Learning of Grammar Instruction with Web-based Materials


Shim, Yae-Jie

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The online grammar materials and program help to encourage students to learn tedious English grammar effectively. They cover grammar quiz and editing function with various visual images; the attention has been paid to teaching and learning grammar through technologies. Online grammar materials and program were analyzed for this study and 118 intermediate level of university students were participated in this present experiment. The study adapted to evaluate online grammar materials and programs, highlighting its usefulness by analyzing the extent to which it helps second language learners improve their English language abilities, with a focus on the degree of student improvement caused by the program’s prompts from first draft to final writing submission. Moreover, for the analysis of effects on technology, TOEIC scores were also applied and analyzed by ANOVA.


I. Introduction
 II. Literature Review
 III. Research Method
  1. Research Setting and Participants
  2. Material
  3. Data Collection and Procedure 
  4. Data Analysis
 IV. Results& Discussion
  1. Results of Questionnaire
  2. Results of the Study
  3. Summary of Results
  4. Potential Limitations of the Study
 Works Cited


  • Shim, Yae-Jie 심예지. Sangmyung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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