

영어영문학의 외연 확대를 위한 담화, 스토리,내러티브, 그리고 스토리텔링 연구의 상호연관성 탐색


Exploring the Interconnectedness of Discourse, Story, Narrative, and Storytelling: In Pursuit of the Extension and Cooperative Research of English Language and Literature in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The primary purpose of this study is to understand different concepts of discourse, story, narrative, and storytelling in the different areas (linguistics, literature, second language education, cultural studies) of English Language and Literature in Korea. The different academic backgrounds (discourse analysis in linguistics, extensive reading of stories in literature-based pedagogy, narratology, narrative inquiries as research methodology in applied linguistics, or storytelling in pedagogy, or other applied areas) behind each knowledge were elaborated, then three possible areas of future research are discussed. Firstly, storytelling as newly industrialized resources would play a role as healing, educating, or contents development. Secondly, worldviews through storytelling would help us construct the entirety of the individual or society’s knowledge in different ways. Finally, storytelling as social practices or political agenda will be extended for involving in social movement such as democratic communities and human rights.


I. 도입
 II. 담화, 스토리, 내러티브, 그리고 스토리텔링
  1. 영문학자의 관심: 문학작품의 스토리를 활용한 페다고지
  2. 영어학자의 관심: 담화와 스토리문법
  3. 문학의 내러티브 연구,그리고 응용언어학의 내러티브탐구 연구방법
  4. 디지털 시대 그리고 내러티브의 상상 밖 재현,스토리텔링
 III. 페다고지가 되는 스토리텔링
  1. 정체성교육을 위한 스토리텔링
  2. 디지털 매체 기반의 스토리텔링
 IV. 산업, 세계관, 사회적 실천으로 변모하는 스토리텔링
  1. 산업자원으로서의 스토리텔링
  2. 세계관으로서의 스토리텔링
  3. 사회적 실천, 정치적 의제가 되는 스토리텔링
 V. 요약과 추후 과제
 Works Cited


  • 신동일 Shin,Dongil. 중앙대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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