

낭독속도와 연구개 경음화의 음향적 특징


Reading Speech Rate and the Acoustic Characteristics of Velar Tensification


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate the acoustic characteristics of Korean velar tensification between normal and fast speech rate. This study focuses on four acoustic characteristics of two-syllable words with tensed velar stops for 34 female speakers: VOT, CoG, Closure duration and H1-H2. According to the study, these four acoustic features become lower or shorter as speech rate increases. 1) VOT is affected by the articulation place of the coda preceding velar tensification. VOT is the shortest when the coda is a velar stop. 2) CoG shows the same value at the same speech rate, regardless of the coda preceding velar tensification. However, CoG depends on the articulation place of consonants that precede velar tensification. 3) Closure duration becomes shorter at fast speech rate than at normal speech rate without exception. Closure duration is a lot longer in the word with a stop coda than with a sonorant coda. 4) As speech rate increases, H1-H2 moves in the negative direction. 5) The closer the articulation place is moved toward the velar, the lower the correlation between fast and normal speech rate becomes in VOT, CoG, and Closure duration. H1-H2 shows the high correlation between fast and normal speech rate in all words except of ‘palgil’ with the lateral coda.


I. 서론
 II. 실험내용
  2.1 실험대상 및 녹음
  2.2 실험자료
  2.3 측정방법
  2.4 낭독속도
 III. 실험 결과 및 논의
  3.1 VOT
  3.2 CoG
  3.3 폐쇄기간
  3.4 H1-H2
  3.5 낭독속도와 음향자질의 상관관계
 IV. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 손일권 Son, Il-Gwon. 경북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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