

영어교육과 콩글리쉬의 재조명 : 자연주의 관점에서


English Education and Konglish : from the Nativist’s View


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this article is to approach Konglish, which is the Korean style broken English, from the perspective of nativism not from the behavioristic one. I view Konglish as a natural language development in the process of Korean’s acquiring English as a foreign language, which is very similar to the interlanguage development made by other foreign language speakers of English. To explain the features of Konglish in detail, I provide very specific reasons and examples via three aspects such as linguistic(L1 transfer), socio-psycholinguistic, and educational ones. According to my own experience and observation as an EFL learner and teacher educator in Korea, I suspect that Konglish is, by and large, due to the English language education at Korean public schools from K-12, including the curriculum, teachers, learning materials, and assessment methods. Based on the critical analysis of each of these factors, I offer several practically applicable ideas and solutions in order to change the current situation, bringing in a small paradigm shift for English language education at Korean public schools. In conclusion, I do not hesitate to strongly voice that Konglish is not a shameful and negative phenomenon made by L1 transfer over English but an active and positive sign for Korean speakers of English to develop their English communication skills.


I. 서론
  1. 연구 배경
  2. 연구 목적
 II. 외국어습득의 관점과 콩글리쉬의 개념
  1. 외국어 습득에 관한 서로 다른 두 가지 견해
  2. 콩글리쉬의 개념
 III. 콩글리쉬의 원인
  1. 언어학적 접근
  2. 사회-심리언어학적 접근
 IV. 콩글리쉬 극복 방안: 학교 영어교육을 중심으로
  1. 교육과정
  2. 교사
  3. 교육자료
  4. 평가
  5. 영어 사용 친숙함, 자신감 강화 교육 활동 및 교수 전략
 V. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 이승복 Lee,Seungbo. 춘천교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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