

A Feature-based Approach for Addressee Honorification


Lee, Doo-Won

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In English and Korean, addressee honorification is realized in the vocative construction. In the concept of Chomsky’s (1993, 1995) earlier version of Minimalist Program, checking is in the Spec-head relation between the subject and [uHon] of the subject-honorific marker si on T or between the vocative element and [uHon] on Voc. When the honorific vocative element appears in Korean, its corresponding verbal ending marker (e)yo occurs as a head of VocP. Other unchecked syntactic features, the residual unchecked honorific feature percolates up to higher level, let’s say, to Voc, head of VocP to discharge the unchecked feature for the vocative elements such as caney, Kim sepang, or a pen name, which induces the so-called si addressee honorification (i.e., si politeness). In English. Force on C triggers addressee honorification in that the unchecked honorific feature on C percolates up to Voc and discharges its feature in the Spec-head relation with the vocative element in Spec-Voc. The vocative element must appear overtly or covertly. The source of the unchecked honorific feature percolating up to Voc is C in English or T in si addressee honorification of Korean. The addressee honorific marker (e)yo is on Voc from which it discharges its honorific feature.


I. Introduction
 II. Lee(2010) and Beyond
  2.1 Verbal Ending Marker (e)yo in Vocative Constructions
  2.2 Two Kinds of Marker si
 III. Extension
 IV. Addressee Honorification in English
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Lee, Doo-Won 이두원. Korea National University of Transportation


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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