

헤어 컬러 선호도의 차이에 관한 연구


A Study on Preferences of Hair Colors depending on Demographic Variables


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Just as costumes reflect the spirit of the time, hair styles echo the social changes and even facilitate them, being used as a means of communication. In short, hair styles reflect the cultural life of the time dynamically. In our modern times, fashion is moving very fast, and such a phenomenon is more conspicuous in hair styles. While individuals are eager to pursue their own individuality, hair styles play a leading role in fashion, excelling the costumes. In this sense, we need to note that hair styles may be related with individual, social and psychological factors. As people are more interested in hair colors, the scope of hair color selection becomes wider. People visit beauty shops to have their hair colors changes rather than have their hairs cut. Selection of a hair color seems to be deeply related with individuals' psychological states. Since hair colors have much effects on their facial images, hair designers need to have an empathy with their customers. Each person has his or her own unique image, and his/her selection of hair colors is affected much by external environment as well as his/her traits. With such basic assumptions in mind, this study was aimed at analyzing the preferences of hair colors by those in their 20's, 30's and 40's who are more interested in their hair colors. To this end, their preferences of or tendencies for hair colors were surveyed by sex, age group and job.


  • 하경연 Keong-Yeun Ha. 진주국제대학교 인체예술학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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