

Design of New Pseudo-Random Number Generator Based on Non-Uniform Cellular Automata



The random numbers are needed in variety fields of applications in particular cryptography. They can be constructed by using several methods such as cellular Automata (CA). This later cannot produce a long random numbers sequence, supplementary the quality of random numbers depends especially on applied CA rules. For this reason, the modified binary particle swarm optimization (MBPSO) is used to discover a new rules set for CA. Rules of radius r=1 and periodic boundary conditions are considered for a non-uniform one-dimensional CA. Our contribution consists to combine this CA with MBPSO for satisfying the pseudo random number generator (PRNG) characteristics, called "PSOCA". Thus, different tests were applied to our PSOCA algorithm to prove its generated sequences quality, such as Diehard, Nist and other statistical tests, which have been successfully passed. Moreover, the comparison with other systems ensure the highlight randomness quality of our proposal system.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background
  2.1 One-dimensional Cellular Automata and Related Works
  2.2 Binary Particle Swarm Optimization
 3. Proposed PRNG based on Combination of the MBPSO and CA
  3.1 Modified Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (MBPSO)
  3.2 Description of the Proposed PRNG
 4. Experiments Results
  4.1. MBPSO Parameters Selection
  4.2 Entropy Test and Rules Selection
  4.3 Diehard and NIST Test Suite
 5. Conclusion and Future Works


  • Charifa Hanin Laboratory of computer science research / Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of sciences BP1014 RP, Rabat, Morocco
  • Fouzia Omary Laboratory of computer science research / Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of sciences BP1014 RP, Rabat, Morocco
  • Souad Elbernoussi Laboratory of Mathematics, Computing and Applications / Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of sciences BP1014 RP, Rabat, Morocco
  • Bouchra Boulahiat Laboratory of computer science research / Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of sciences BP1014 RP, Rabat, Morocco


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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