The purpose of this paper is to analyze existing Agree-based mechanisms such as feature checking by Chomsky (2001) and feature sharing by P&T (2004, 2007) and to find out the solutions about the anaphoric dependencies, which have long been regarded as a study on semantic, not syntax. As known in (1), anaphor himself must share values with subject DP Tom/he within a given clause whereas pronoun he can be interpreted by meeting matrix subject Tom with identical values. Two types of dependents, anaphor and pronoun depend on which position their antecedents lie in respectively. Besides they have distinguished feature specifications about (un)interpretable or (un)valued features. The former features can make their semantically interpretation possible through their agree relation whereas the latter features allow syntactical derivation to be performed via. feature sharing, or valuation. Noticeably, no features can be deleted throughout the derivation. This paper introduces the modified feature specifications about nominal DPs in the way that P&T (2004, 2007) assign T-/Q-features to Tns and C respectively. Also, anaphoric dependencies can be solved within the syntax, not handing over to LF or PF by adopting Brody (1997), Legate (2003), Zeijlstra (2010) and others.
II. Agree: Feature Checking vs. Feature Sharing
1. Feature Checking (Chomsky (1995, 2000, 2001))
2. Feature Sharing (P&T (2004, 2007))
III. Anaphor-dependency Relations
1. Existing Issues
2. Solutions with Modified Feature Specifications
IV. Conclusion
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