

아나키에서 희망의 여행으로 : 『빼앗긴 자들』에 나타난 어슐러 르 귄의 휴머니즘


From Anarchy towards Journey of Hope : Ursula Le Guin’s Humanism in The Dispossessed


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study researches the relationship between anarchism and humanism in Ursula Le Guin’s The Dispossessed. Historically anarchism has been expressed in various theories on humans’ thirst for freedom. Classical anarchism criticizes state and political power and advocates violent actions, while social anarchism maximizes individual freedom, seeks the value of community, and sets a high value on mutual cooperation and solidarity. The representatives social anarchism are Peter Kropotkin and Emma Goldman. Le Guin who is a science fiction and fantasy writer, accepts the principles and theories of anarchism, but also reinterprets them. Le Guin puts greater emphasis on human freedom and potential possibilities than political ideas and theories and seeks to change social and individual life entirely. The protagonist of The Dispossessed, Shevek overcomes limitations through his journey to Urras. He leaves his home planet, Annares, and recognizes that a gap exists in an ideal he seeks. He changes his individuality through the discovery and realization of the wall. Anarchistic ideals never disappeared in The Dispossessed. such ideals are achieved completed through the action of Shevek returning to his home planet, Annares. Shevek’s return is an expression of his will to embody hope and possibility, and completion of human existence. Through The Dispossessed, Le Guin attempted to fully understand anarchism, known for its dangerous and violent theories. However, she was involved in and connected to the individual and society; she did not reject and exclude either of them.


I. 서론
 II. 아나키즘과 오도주의
 III. 여행의 시작; 벽의 의미
 IV. "진정한 여행은 돌아가는 것이다. " : 존재의 완성을 통한 르 귄의 휴머니즘
 V. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 김경옥 Kim Kyungok. 숙명여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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