

Learning Context Research for Flexible Display User Scenario Development



The smart learning has appeared with the recent changes in the educational environment. As it has no limitations of time or location and can be intellectually customized or utilized in a group intelligent study through sharing and cooperation, it is expected to provide the effective mobility, collectivity, and adaptability experiences through the application of the flexible display techniques. So in this research, the learning contexts in the current educational field were studied to develop the near future learning environment scenarios in which the flexible displays were applied. A user survey was conducted and the results were made into a context map of the lecturing, cooperative, experiential and independent learning types. Then, the problems and needs in these learning types were identified through the context analysis to improve the smart learning environment. By applying the flexible displays, the insights were derived to maximize the mobility, collectivity, and adaptability experiences and the examples were suggested. Therefore, a system was established through the context study to better understand the complicated learning structures and organize the combined learning models and it has great significance for the suggestion of the flexible display’s application directions.


 1. Introduction
 2. Flexible Displays in the Smart Learning Environment
  2.1. Concepts and Types of Smart Learning
  2.2. Flexible Display’s Applicability
 3. Learning Context Research
  3.1. Investigation on Learning Activities
  3.2. Context Investigation by Learning Types
 4. Derivation and Utilization of the Insights for Flexible Display Application
 5. Conclusions


  • Seung Eun Chung Dept. of Content Convergence, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea
  • Han Young Ryoo Dept. of Content Convergence, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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