

A Study on Entrepreneurship in Korea & China: Comparisons among SMEs Business Performance in Korea & China



This study aims to show the problems of Korean and Chinese SMEs business performance and suggest ways for improvement by presenting actual conditions of Korean and Chinese SMEs business performance using the Importance Performance Analysis. SMEs business performance has becomes deeply related to globalization, As external markets continue to open, it is important to strengthen firm competitiveness. Therefore, it is necessary for the industry to find strategies to invigorate the industry and strengthen international competitiveness. Especially for Korean and Chinese SMEs, providing more efficient business performance than other countries is necessary in order to improve international competitiveness. This study investigates nine variables developed by Hermann Simon[1]. The nine variables are ambitious goals, specialization, globalization, close customer, relations, continuous innovation, competitive advantage, trust my own ability, motivated employee, and strong leadership. This paper identified the current status and problems of SMEs in Korea and China and suggested improvement points to achieve competitiveness of SMEs in both countries and provided opportunities to investors of both countries to understand SME entrepreneurship by comparing the current status and problems of Korea and China’s SME business operations. Previous studies that used IPA analysis were limited to service quality, while this study suggested the concerns of business operations in terms of entrepreneurship. This study also identified the management philosophy of Korean and Chinese small and middle business entrepreneurs and provides basic information to inspire a new business mindset by comparing internal and external business environments of both countries.


 1. Introduction
 2. Review of the Literature
  2.1. Current State of SMEs in Korea and China
  2.2. Hermann Simon’s Three Principles and Nine Lessons of Hidden Champions
  2.3. IPA (Importance Performance Analysis)
 3. Research Design and Methodology
  3.1. Sampling and Data Collection
  3.2. Definition of Measurement Items
 4. Analysis
  4.1. Reliability Test
  4.2. T-test
  4.3. IPA Analysis Results
 5. Conclusion
  5.1. Summary of Findings and Implications
  5.2. Limitations and Further Research


  • Man-Su Kang Department of Research, Korea Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundations, Korea
  • Raul Moretti Dept. of Global Business, Kangwon National University, Korea
  • Sang-Kyu Park Dept. of Business Administration, Kangwon National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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