

일본 전통음악연구의 토대로서의 와라베우타 연구


The Study of Children's Song as the Base of the Japanese Traditional Music Study

시마조에 키미코

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This presentation reviews the theoretical study of Japanese children’s songs, especially from the viewpoint of musicological studies in Japan, and offers a new paradigm for the study of Japanese traditional music. Children’s songs have been studied by literature experts, folklorists and musicologists in Japan. The interest has been in children’s spontaneous singing. In musicology, children’s songs are defined as "the songs that children make and sing spontaneously." The definition includes children’s play songs, but excludes lullabies and Do(_)yo(_) that are made by adults for children. However, children take any kind of song and change it through play. So, musicologists include these "children-ized" songs as their object of study as well. The most efficient study of Japanese children’s songs to date in Japan has been made by Professor Fumio Koizumi and his study group, Seminar for Folk Music Study at the Tokyo University of Arts, in the 1960s. Professor Koizumi contended that much of Japanese traditional music is based on children’s songs. And he created a tone scale theory named tetra chord theory in his book The Study of Japanese Traditional Music1. Using the theory of Professor Koizumi, the Seminar for Folk Music Study researched children's songs in about 100 elementary schools in Tokyo. The research formed the basis of the book Game Songs of Japanese Children: Studies of Game Songs and Comparative Scores, which allowed Koizumi to further develop his theory. We can find some progressions of Koizumi's theoretical perspective in the book Game Songs of Japanese Children. For that reason, this presentation reviews the study as a kind of "tone scale evolution theory." Through the presentation, we will find that songs are created by accents of words, and, as well, that songs evolve into musical expressions. Using this theory, we will see what people do to express their feelings in creating songs. Children’s songs provide lively samples in musicology because of the simple fact that children’s songs are still created by children every day. We need to reconsider the evolution theory as a new paradigm in the study of Japanese traditional music.


 I.와라베우타연구사 : 정의, 범위, 관심
 II.일본의 와라베우타의 분류와 노래의 특징
 III.음악학에 있어서의 와라베우타 연구 : 음계론과 선율
 IV.와라베우타 연구의 과제


  • 시마조에 키미코 Kimiko Shimazoe. 토야마대학・일본


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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