


컨테이너형 버섯식물공장시스템설계 및 노루궁뎅이버섯 생산


Using automated container type culture system Hericium erinaceum mushroom production technology

조우식, 이성학, 류송이, 강민구, 김우현, 박창민, 박후원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Timing, place, and the high-tech industry to overcome barriers to the introduct of the so-called “smart agriculture”. The core factors of precision agriculture, including temperature, humidity, location information, and real summary information, are all significant for ICT controlling technique. The system is a four-season container allowing mushroom product, humidity, illumination, and factors such as carbon dioxide were regulated to create the optimal environment for mushroom cultivation. Hericium erinaceum (also called Lion's Mane Mushroom, Bearded Tooth Mushroom, or Bearded Tooth Fungus) is an edible and medicinal mushroom in the tooth fungus group. During approximately 40 days of incubation, 1.4 kg of oak sawdust was used as the test medium. The humidity, temperature, and CO2 density were maintained at >85–95%, 18– 20oC, and 700–1,000 ppm, respectively, in the container type culture system. The time for primordium formation was observed to be 4–7 days. The amount of fruitbody production was 74–95 g per bag. This technique will be used to establish a new community support program, in conjunction with international movement, domestic sales and exports are also planned.


 버섯재배용 컨테이너 선정 및 내부 설계
 노루궁뎅이버섯 생육시험


  • 조우식 Woo-Sik Jo. 경상북도농업기술원 농업환경연구과
  • 이성학 Sung-Hak Lee. 경상북도농업기술원 농업환경연구과
  • 류송이 Song-Yi Ryu. 경상북도농업기술원 농업환경연구과
  • 강민구 Min-Gu Kang. 경상북도농업기술원 농업환경연구과
  • 김우현 Woo-Hyun Kim. 경상북도농업기술원 농업환경연구과
  • 박창민 Chang-Min Park. 카스트엔지니어링
  • 박후원 Who-Won Park. 카스트엔지니어링


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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