

Research on Modern Sports Training Method Based on Computer Virtual Technology



Under the background of the fast development of computer industry and with the virtual technology being widely used, information technology in China has made significant progress; however, sports information teaching is still in a relatively low level. Now the application of information technology in physical training has become a big issue which needs to be improved. On the basis of forward kinematics theory and inverse kinematics theory of human engineering and by collecting three-dimensional human body motion information, three-dimensional human body motion model which include the spine movement, arm movement, step movement and the whole human body movement has been built up and simulation experiment on the human body has been conducted. After virtual technology being applied to physical training field, a conclusion that body movement will be much improved due to the application of virtual technology can be drawn. The effect from high to low is obvious: the most positive effect is on step movement, then arm movement, the whole body movement as well as spine movement. In general, the application of virtual technology in modern physical training field promotes the development of sports career and also expands the applications of computer technology.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Application of Modern Sports Training Based on Computer Virtual Technology
  2.1. The Importance of Computer Virtual Technology to the Application of Modern Sports Training
  2.2. The Means of Application of Computer Virtual Technology in Modern Sports Training
  2.3. The Application Status of Computer Virtual Technology in Modern Sports Training
  2.4. The Advantages Disadvantages and Opportunities of Computer Virtual Technology in Modern Sports Training
 3. Research on Modern Sports Training Model Based on Computer Virtual Technology
  3.1. Simulation Assumption
  3.2. Model Preparation
  3.3. Model Building
 4. Simulation Experiment on Human Body
  4.1. Platform Construction
  4.2. Simulation Experiment
 5. Conclusion
 6. Development Trend
  6.1. The Main Developing Points
  6.2. The Main Development Field
  6.3. Main Challenge in Development
  6.4. The Construction and Practice of Virtual Technology in the Future Teaching of Physical Education


  • Li Zhishuang School Attached to Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China


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