

Cloud Platform Based Mobile Service for Aging Generation Healthcare Management



The chronic degenerative diseases and physical and mental living difficulties of the aging generation result in low quality of life and the financial burden of medical costs for the government. Better dieting habits affect the aging generation’s longevity and health. 54.5% of the aging generation enjoy increased well-being through diet control and diet services. It is necessary to solve the increasing social problem of the aging generation’s health. We propose a cloud computing technology-based platform and mobile technology-based services for the aging generation’s health management and communication. Elderly people using the mobile service should receive not only diet advice from nutritionists, but also suggestions from doctors and communication with colleagues. A cloud-based mobile diet management service will not only reduce government medical costs but also contribute to public health.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Research
  2.1. Aging Generation Health/Diet Management Cluster
  2.2. Personalized Fitness Diet Management Service
 3. Cloud-Based Mobile Health Care Service
  3.1. Cloud-based PHR Platform
  3.2. Cloud-Based Mobile Diet Management Service
 4. Implementation and Evaluation
 5. Conclusion


  • Long Ri Wen Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Soongsil University, Korea
  • Seung Min Yang Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Soongsil University, Korea
  • Byung Mun Lee Dept. of Computer Science, Gachon University, Korea


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