

Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Power Quality Based on Modified Entropy Weights



To improve the limitations of information entropy in the power quality evaluation process, a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was proposed on Modified Entropy Weights and Catastrophe Verification. Through summing up the six indexes of power quality, and establishing the evaluation level boundary, the positive and negative entropy weights were reckoned for the power quality monitoring units; The fuzzy features and evaluation was improved to be depicted for power quality with Exponent method, and the five level membership function was set for the power quality evaluation; Then, the mechanism was set up for the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation operation. Finally, with the modified entropy information combination mode and the fuzzy catastrophe mode, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and comparative analysis was carried on for such power quality. Case showed, the power quality evaluation conclusion of Information catastrophe mode has the good consistency with the weight combination mode of the positive and negative entropy, which could realize the distinction and system evaluation to the different monitoring units.


 1 Introduction
 2. Power Quality Indexes and Evaluation Level Boundary
 3 Modified Entropy Weights on Power Quality Index
  3.1. Standardization and Calculation on Power Quality Index
  3.2. Anti-entropy Calculation on Power Quality Index
  3.3. Modified Weights on Entropy and Anti-entropy of Power Quality Index
 4. Fuzzy Membership Function Design on Power Quality
 5. Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Power Quality
 6. Case Study and Model Analysis
  6.1. Case Sample and Index Weight Calculation
  6.2. Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Calculation for Power Quality
  6.3. Catastrophe Calculation and Comprehensive Validation for Power Quality
 7. Conclusion


  • Gao Zhenru College of Field Engineering, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Jiangsu, China
  • Wang Fengshan College of Field Engineering, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Jiangsu, China


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