

장자와 유교와의 관계 :『장자(莊子)』「천하편(天下篇)」의 장주(莊周) 평가에 대한 고찰


Relationship between Zhuangzi and Confucianism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Zhuangzi’s thought is considered to be similar to Taoism. Also, there is a great deal of similarity in thoughts between Zhuangzi and Laozi. Likewise, sometime we use the name ‘Laozhuang’ by combining these two. However, a considerable number of claims exists, though scattered, that Zhuangi was a Confucian scholar. Thus, it is significant that we inquire about Zhuangzi’s thoughts in relation to Confucianism. In 「Tianxiapian」 I analyze ‘the narrative of Zhuangzi’ is analyzed. In this context one finds many strong hints of relationship between Zhuangzi and Confucianism. A great deal of evidence showsthat thoughts between the two are overlapping. Therefore, it is a mistake to separate the two and is imperative to study the two as the one overlappingthought. In the past scholars treated the philosophy of Zhuangzi superficially and accentuated the difference between Confucianism and Zhuangzi’s thoughts. As a result, Zhuangzi was erroneously thought to be an anti-Confucian thinker. The Confucian academia must correct this erroneous view. There is a need to rethink Confucian learnings from a new perspective to achieve a better understanding of Confucianism. This can be achieved by utilizing the method of ancient knowledge.


 1. 서론
 2. 본론: 천하편의 장자 평가에 대한 새로운 해석
  2.1 장자 학파가 물려받은 학문적 대 원칙
  2.2 예(禮)의 정신이 무시된 시대 상황
  2.3 당시의 학문적 혼란상의 수습과 종합
  2.4 장자 사상의 특성과 그 가치
 3. 결론


  • 손태호 Son, Taeho. 부산대학교 철학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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