

『죽도기사』로 보는 1697년 조선의 서한에 대한 쓰시마의 책략


The strategy of Tsushima appeared in The ‘Takesimakiji’


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



When we read the ‘Takwsimakiji’, We can see the containment between Tsushima and the government of Chosen Dynasty over the paper which was sent from Chosen Dynasty to Tsushima. The paper was sent as a reply of the decision of forbidden of across to Takesima at 1696. Because of this forbidden, Tsushima lost their interests which they had enjoyed for almost 80years. So they tried not to be handed down the records, which ‘Takesima’ is a island of Chosen Dynasty. For these reasons, they didn’t send any paper which remained as a proof to future generations. And they required revision of the contents of the paper which was sent from Chosen Dynasty to Tsushima. Tsushima always insist that they make efforts to coordinate Chosen Dynasty and Japanese Bakuhu. But their real intentions lies in how they can keep their interests. So they even don’t want to let Chosen Dynasty know the decision of the forbidden.




1. 서론
 2. 죽도도해금지령 이전의 쓰시마의 대응
 3. 죽도도해금지령 이후의 쓰시마의 대응
 4. 결론


  • 権静 권정. 배재대학교 기초교육부 부교수, 일본학전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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