

한국인 시각장애 대학생의 일본어학습에 대한 의식 및 실태 연구


A study on actual state and awareness of Korean University Students with Visual Impairment about the Japanese Language Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This survey researched the actual condition of Japanese learning and awareness about the visually handicapped university students. The survey showed that studying Japanese, the visually handicapped university students prefer to study spoken language rather than do written language. Especially, they recognized that ‘Chinese letter’, ‘writing’ and ‘reading’ are the most difficult part than other parts while, they were aware that speaking part is the easiest parts than other parts. Actually, when they took the Japanese culture course in university, they preferred the free talking class by native teachers rather than reading the text, translation focused on the written language, or grammar class. In the types of Learning Method, the visually handicapped university students selected an individual lesson, this reason could analyze that due to visual impairment characteristics, they selected the Japanese conversation class focused on the function of speaking to be able to communicate with each other. Above all, the visually handicapped university students consider important interaction with teachers, also, this study showed that the learning supporting systems and careful concerns for them have an important effect on choosing their own courses. Also, they stressed the importance of speaking drills and a full explanation about textbooks on Japanese teaching materials. Depending on the rating disability, total blindness students received Braille translation service, For low vision students, by asking the teacher to make an enlarged copy for them, they hope that it is enough for them to read the Japanese teaching materials.


本硏究の調査結果、視覚障害をもった韓国人大学生は日本語を學習するにおいて、文字言語よりは音聲言語を中心とした學習方法をさらに好む傾向があることがわかった。 また、大學で敎養日本語の講義を受講する際にも文字言語を中心とする飜譯や講讀、文法の講義よりはネイティブ敎授者によるフリートーキング授業の方を選択する傾向があった。 日本語の學習方法の類型においても視覚障害の特性から、相手との1:1會話練習ができる學習スタイルを好んでいた。何よりも視覚障害をもった大学生は敎師との相互作用を重要だと思っていて、特に障害をもつ學生のための配慮や學習支援の有無が講義を選択するにおいて、大きな影響を及ぼしていると考えられる。 學習に役に立つ日本語敎材に関しては、「トーキング練習」や「學習內容に関する充分な說明」をもっとも重要な要素だと認識していた。また、障害のレベルによって、全盲の學生は敎材を點字に點譯してくれるサービスを期待した。低視力の學生の場合は、敎授者が敎材および學習資料の活字を擴大複寫し、読みやすくする支援を希望していた。


1. 서론
 2. 선행연구 분석
 3. 연구 방법
  3.1 조사 대상
  3.2 조사 방법
 4. 연구 결과
  4.1 일본어 학습 실태 분석
  4.2 대학의 교양일본어 강좌에 대한 의식
 5. 결론 및 제언


  • 金賢熙 김현희. 동덕여자대학교 강사, 일본어교육


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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