

項構造をもつ韓国語名詞句「NP1의 NP2」のNP2について-日本語との対照を中心に-


A study on NP2 of Korean noun phrase ‘NP2 of NP1’with argument structure - Focusing on the contrast to Japanese -

항구조をもつ한국어명사구「NP1의 NP2」のNP2について-일본어との대조を중심に-

金秀珍, 寺井妃呂美

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focuses on NP2 of Korean noun phrase ‘NP2 of NP1’, based on the reseach by Kim・Terai(2016), a study of temporal relativity between NP1 and types of NP2 of Japanese noun phrase ‘NP2 of NP1’ with the clause structure. As in Japanese, it is also seen in Korean that NP2 has types such as a Chinese noun, a Korean proper noun, a derived noun or an adopted word. But differences are found when the phrases are interpreted. Roughly, there are two ways to translate. One is when the phrase is translated into ‘to do ~’ - Chinese noun, adopted word- ,the other is when translated by restoring to the original verb –derived noun-. Derived nouns of Japanese can be translated in the both ways, whereas Korean derived nouns cannot be translated by ‘to do~’ but only by restoring to the original verb. It is confirmed that NP2 with the characteristic of verb can be translated, as in Japanese, through a semantic interpretation of the relativity with NP1 ,as for “movement”, “condition”, “existence” and “relation” in the perspective of temporal localization.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究と本稿の立場
  2.1 日本語
  2.2 韓国語
  2.3 本稿の立場と考察の対象
 3. 하다を付して解釈する場合
  3.1 漢語名詞
  3.2 非漢語名詞
   3.2.1 韓国語固有語系名詞
   3.2.2 外来語
 4. 元の動詞に還元して解釈する場合
 5. NP2の意味的特徴
 6. おわりに


  • 金秀珍 김수진. 崇実大学 日語日文学科 招聘教授, 日本語学
  • 寺井妃呂美 Terai, Hiromi. 弘益大学校 教養外国語学部 助教授, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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