

내부회계관리제도 검토의견에 따른 이익조정 수단에 관한 연구


A Study on Using Book Tax Confirmity Accruals for Earnings Management According to the Internal Control System Review Opinions

곽지영, 오명전

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purposes of this paper are to propose book tax conformity of firms that Reported Problem in Internal Accounting Management Systems. Tax adjustments of accruals as a means of earnings management (book-only accruals) and non-tax adjustments of accruals (book-tax accruals) divided and any of these two means of accrual to eanings management whether the empirical analysis. That is, this study tests whether firms reporting material weaknesses in the internal control system manage earnings more than firms reporting no material weakness in the internal control system. In Korea, the corporate tax accounting is recognized in the accounts if the taxable income is unchanged, but the tax law does not recognize taxable income change, but no change in the accounting income. Status report on the impact of this tax the tax burden on firms, because the connection of two types of firms use accruals likely to be discriminatory. Many prior studies were using discretionary accruals as a measure of earnings from, discretionary accruals may they contain elements that adjust at the same time taxable income, as well as accounting incomes(Calegari 2000; Ohgwanguk, Jeongseokwoo 2010; Choiwonuk et al 2013). Specifically, accruals are accounting income and taxable income non-tax adjustments of accruals to be adjusted in the same direction(book-tax conformity accruals) and accounting income is adjusted even be classified as a tax benefit tax adjustments of accruals (book-only accruals) does not affect the have. If the executive becomes the tax burden varies according to whether the earnings, depending on whether you are using any non-tax adjustments of accruals and tax adjustments of accruals when you want to raise accounting income. In this paper, we analyze that the use of internal control system review opinion unqualified firms tax adjustments of accruals as a way of earnings management compared to the qualified firms tax adjustments of accruals. In general, the review opinion are unqualified firm's greater incentive for earnings management purposes, such as to avoid the delisting many cases worsened the financial condition or business performance. And at the same time, unqualified review opinion firm's have been greatly since the external auditors assess control risk, more the expansion of proven procedures when the final audit will be limited to Earnings Management. How the Earnings Management and the tax burden on unqualified of firms of conflicting elements than qualified review opinion firms under these circumstances it is empirical questions to be considered discriminatory. 2005-2010 The company is listed on the KOSDAQ market, targeting firms that have received matrial weakness and scope limitation studied. In this study, Calegari(2000) proposed modifications to reflect on how our country tax laws. Ohgwanguk, Jeongseokwoo(2010) adjustment of non-tax adjustments and tax adjustments accruals measurement method. The empirical results, internal control system is an unqualified review opinion firms tax adjustments of accruals as compared to the qualified opinion of smaller firms, non-tax adjustments of accruals were adjusted to be greater. These results can be interpreted as selected non-tax adjustments of accruals to the unqualified opinion of the firm's ICS review opinion involving the tax burden as a means of earnings management. Thus the internal accounting control system review opinion unqualified of firms relatively pay less due to an enhanced audit of external auditor is to select the non-tax adjustment accruals involving tax burden than tax adjustment accruals no tax burden as a benefit adjustment means the choice of tax accruals are adjusted because the judge suppressed. Additionally, non-tax adjustments of accruals as a result of analysis by measuring minute changes in the tax adjustments of accruals of the previous year was also current term in the same way. Thus, firms that non-reported problem in Internal Control Systems are appropriate firm's financial reporting costs that occur relatively expensive accruals tax adjustment(BOA), rather than simply increasing the tax benefit accruals non-tax adjustment(BTA) to carry through earnings respectively. This study was conducted after the internal accounting management system by means of feedback and adjust the profits of the tax adjustment accruals (book-only accruals) and non-tax adjustments of accruals (book-tax accruals) divided by earnings management using accruals to analyze in that the previous studies was to provide a different implications. Our finding suggests a book-only accruals and book-tax accruals can be more precise measures for estimating the level of earnings management and tax planning as we empirically.


본 연구는 내부회계관리제도 검토결과 중요한 취약점이 발견되었거나 검토범위제한으로 인하여 검토의견이 제한된 기업이 이익조정수단으로 어떠한 발생액 형태를 이용하는지 내부회계관리제도 검토의견이 비적정인 기업이 적정인 기업에 비해 조세부담을 수반하는 비세무조정발생액(book-tax conformity accruals)과 조세부담을 수반하지 않는 세무조정발생액(book-only accruals) 중 어떠한 발생액을 이용하여 이익조정을 하는지 분석하였다. 본 연구는 2006년부터 2010년까지 코스닥시장에 상장되어 있는 비금융업에 속한 3,990개의 기업-연도 표본을 대상으로 분석을 수행하였다. 분석결과, 내부회계관리제도 검토의견이 비적정인 기업들은 적정인 기업들에 비해 세무조정발생액은 더 작고, 비세무조정발생액은 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 내부회계관리제도 검토의견이 비적정인 기업들이 이익조정의 수단으로 조세부담을 수반하는 비세무조정발생액을 이용하는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 이러한 결과는 외부감사인의 입증절차 강화로 조세부담이 수반되지 않는 세무조정발생액의 이용에 제한을 받은 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구는 내부회계관리제도 검토의견에 따른 비세무조정발생액 및 세무조정발생액과의 관련성을 살펴봄으로써 기업이 처한 상황에 따른 이익조정과 조세부담의 차별적 선택에 대해 실증하였다는데 그 의의가 있다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 관련 규정 및 선행연구
  2.1 내부회계관리제도 관련규정
  2.2 내부회계관리제도 및 이익조정 관련 선행연구
 Ⅲ. 연구설계
  3.1 가설설정
  3.2 연구모형
  3.3 재량적 비세무조정발생액과 재량적 세무조정발생액의 측정
  3.4 표본의 선정
 Ⅳ. 실증분석 결과
  4.1 기술통계 및 상관관계
  4.2 회귀분석 결과
  4.3 강건겅 분석
 Ⅴ. 요약과 결론


  • 곽지영 Kwak, Ji-Young. 세명대학교 회계학과 조교수
  • 오명전 Oh, Myeong-Jeon. 숙명여자대학교 경영학부 부교수


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