

랜드스케이프 어바니즘 관점에서 본 월트 휘트먼의 탈경계적 상상력


Walt Whitman’s Trans-Boundary Imagination from the Perspective of Landscape Urbanism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Living in New York City for a long time both as a journalist and a poet, Walt Whitman was immediately faced with various urban problems. As Whitman experiences the deteriorating urban environments, he criticizes sharply New York as a “vast and dry Sahara” and “Gomorrah.” He insightfully realizes that parks can act as catalytic agents for urban regeneration. The poet believes that the urban park should transcend the dichotomy of park versus city which Frederick Law Olmsted’s parks are based on. Whitman’s urban park suggesting the indivisible interaction between the park and the city parallels the perspective of Landscape Urbanism in the post-industrial era. Landscape Urbanism is a hybrid discipline transcending the boundaries of different genres such as architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning. Landscape Urbanists emphasizing urban ecology and infrastructural landscape believe that parks and open spaces facilitate the sustainable urban development to the city. The city Whitman desires to embody has indivisible connections with parks and open spaces with which the “programme of culture” activates for citizens. Whitman’s very changeable city is strongly correlated with Landscape Urbanists’ city which has the traits of the open-endedness, indeterminacy, and change demanded by contemporary urban conditions.


I. 들어가며
 II. 휘트먼과 도시생태학
 III. 도시재생의 촉매제로서 공원
 IV. "너만의 모형을 이루는" 도시
 V. 나가며
 Works Cited


  • 심진호 Shim, Jin Ho. 신라대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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