

영어 이중타동사의 보문유형과 분포빈도에 대한 COCA 코퍼스 분석


A COCA Analysis of Complement Types and Distribution Frequency of English Ditransitive Verbs


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The goal of this paper is to analyse the types of complements that six English ditransitive verbs take and the ditransitive verbs’ distributions, based on 3,000 data from Corpus of American English (COCA). I considered how many double object constructions were found according to syntactic categories and grammatical functions in the data. Then, I examined the ditransitive verbs in terms of the types of complements and the proportion of each type of complements, following Greenbaum and Quirk (1985). The results of this study showed that a ditransitive verb should not be claimed to construct a double object construction in general, or in most cases. Rather, it should be contended that the ditransitive verb might construct a double object construction only in a few cases. Moreover, any symmetry among the types of complements or between noun and pronoun has not been found, which does not support generalizations about dative movement or dative shift.


I. 서론
 II. 분석 대상 및 방법
  2.1 분석 대상
  2.2 자료 수집
  2.3 분석 절차
  2.4 분석 기준
 III. 코퍼스 자료 분석
  3.1 동사의 논항 수
  3.2 통사범주에 의한 동사 보문유형
  3.3 문법기능에 의한 동사 보문유형
  3.4 Greenbaum & Quirk (1985)에 의한 동사 보문유형
  3.5 간접 목적어의 명사구와 대명사의 분포
 IV. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 윤흥섭 Yoon, Heung-seob. 충북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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