

녹색 유토피아 : 페미니스트 유토피아 소설 『허랜드』와 『시간의 경계에 선 여자』의 생태주의적 비전과 과학기술


Green Utopia : Ecological Vision and Science in Feminist Utopian Fiction, Herland and Woman on the Edge of Time


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to compare and analyze the relationship between the ecological vision and the viewpoint of science in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland and Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time in the context of feminist utopian fictions. Both of them suggest their utopias, Herland and Metapoisette, as rural and pastoral Arcadias. It reflects the viewpoint of ecofeminism that claims the innate affinity of nature and woman. However, they recognize the importance of technology and science in building utopias and advocate the usefulness of science to improve gender equality. These attitudes resonate with the tenets of Transhumanism. Gilman intends to invest power with women to become subjects to drive evolution of the race, but this reveals the limitation of first wave feminism to look over issues of the race and class. On the other hand, Connie Ramos, the protagonist of Woman on the Edge of Time, reverses the viewpoint of Herland as the most marginalized and suppressed one. Metappoisett is not a stabilized and static utopia, and requires Connie to participate in the process of revolution to reach a utopia and take a responsibility on the future. Its open-endedness emphasizes interdependence and interconnectedness in the ecological vision.


I. 들어가며
 II. 녹색 유토피아
 III. 페미니스트 유토피아와 트랜스휴머니즘
 IV. 비판적 유토피아
 V. 나가며
 Works Cited


  • 송은주 Song eun-ju. 이화여자대학교 이화인문과학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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