

Original Article

중동호흡기증후군과 지카바이러스의 대응사례분석을 통한 해외유입 신종감염병 예방시스템 구축 방안


Developing Prevention System of Overseas Infectious Disease Based on MERS and Zika Virus Outbreak

김자영, 방준석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective: The outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) started in South Korea in May 2015 and the end of crisis was declared in December 2015 by Korea Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC). However, Zika virus emerged in less than 2 months following MERS and showed higher mortality than other countries. This study is to assess the current prevention system of overseas infectious diseases, based on MERS and Zika virus outbreak and to suggest effective response system for the future. Methods: We conducted two surveys on medical specialists working at tertiary general hospitals regarding the effectiveness of responding system by KCDC against MERS and Zika virus and education in individual medical institutions using 5-Likert points. Response system was examined in three different periods as initial period, spreading period, and post disease period. Results: Although medical specialists received the notifications in initial period, no practical prevention was proven to be placed in responding stage by medical facilities (averagely 3.5/5 points in total and sub-analyses). During spreading period, there were several academic seminars conducted, which were evaluated as helpful. In post disease period, all answered that there were changes on patient treatment in all medical facilities, with mainly report system and the treatment regulations in case of suspicious patients for infection. Only 49% respondents answered positive on the possibility of initial responses. For questionnaire items regarding Zika virus, all answered that there were notifications prior to the first outbreak of the infected patient. Eighty% of respondents were aware of 'the Guideline system for traveling to dangerous areas', and answered that the system was moderately effective (averagely 3.8/5 points in total). For the effectiveness of prevention measures for foreign novel disease by KCDC, the average point was 3.0 in both of total and sub-analyses. Conclusion: There is not enough response system to prevent infectious disease in medical institutional and governmental levels in Korea. It would warrant the modification of overall medical system to improve preventive measures for initial spread of such diseases.


 연구 방법
  연구대상의 선정 및 자료수집
  설문지의 구성
 연구 결과
  연구대상자 특성
  MERS 발생시기에 따른 감염병 대응역량의 변화 평가
  MERS 발생전과 종식후 감염병 대응체계의 변화와 개선효과
 지카바이러스 감염병 대응역량 변화도 평가
  해외유입 신종감염병 대응역량 평가
 감사의 말씀


  • 김자영 Ja Young Kim. 숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원
  • 방준석 Joon Seok Bang. 숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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