

한국무역보험학회 학술지 추이를 통해 본 무역보험연구의 발전적 제언


A Proposal of International Trade and Insurance Research through the Journal of International Trade and Insurance


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, I analyze the trends of the researches published by the Journal of International Trade and Insurance and the trends of the researches based on the policy changes. The Journal of Export Insurance (presently the Journal of International Trade and Insurance)whichwas launched in 2000, has showed an early understanding of export insurance and the goal orientation of journals. The direction of the Journal of Export Insurance policy was based on microeconomic approach in accordancewith the utilization of export insurance and the analysis of performance, however the tendency toward general research on tradewasminimal. And then since the 2008World Financial Crisis, the journal changed as the international financial risk management, a wide range of research papers on international finance and international economics were published. Then, in 2010, the name of the journal was changed the Journal of International Trade and Insurance, and the research on macro aspects along with the micro approach proceeded actively. Furthermore, the scope of research has extended to various trade-related fields that require international trade credit insurance. This reflects the fact that the role of trade credit insurance is the risk management of credit risk and emergency risk as policy insurance. Therefore, it seems that it is possible to introduce more private insurance.


본 논문은 한국무역보험학회가 발행하는 무역보험연구 에서 발간한 논문을 창간호부터2015년까지각권별흐름분석과함께무역보험관련연구의시대적변화와정책적방향을게재논문의추이를통해분석하고, 무역보험의발전적미래를위한제언을제시하고자진행하였다. 지난2000년창간된 수출보험학회지 ( 무역보험연구 의전신)는초창기수출보험에대한이해와정책적방향을통해학술지의목표지향성이두드러지게나타났다.즉 수출보험학회지 의방향성은수출보험의활용및성과분석에맞춰경제적접근이다수이루어졌으며,무역의일반적연구에대한성향은미미하게나타났다.하지만2008년세계금융위기이후 국제금융위험관리 로학회지명이변경되면서초기학술지보다국제금융및국제경제분야에대한폭넓은연구논문이발표되었으며,그후2010년학술지명이다시 무역보험연구 로재변경되면서미시적접근과더불어거시적인측면에서의연구가활발히진행되었으며,무역보험이필요한다양한무역관련분야까지연구의범위가확대되었다.이는무역보험의역할이정책보험으로서의신용위험과비상위험에대한역할과함께무역에서발생할수있는리스크관리가이루어지고있는것을반영하는것으로보이며, 보다다양한사적보험의도입이가능함을보이는것으로판단된다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 한국무역보험학회 학술지의 추이
 Ⅲ. 무역보험 연구의 발전을 위한 제언
 Ⅳ. 요약 및 결론


  • 유승균 YOO, Seung Gyun. 동국대학교_경주캠퍼스 글로벌경제통상학부 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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