Interpretation of the Additional(Special) Conditions of Negotiation Embargo under Letter of Credit Transaction - Issuing Bank’s Perspective
The letter of credit is a promise by a bank to accept or to purchase drafts or to pay by presenting the stipulated documentswhich is in conformitywith the terms and conditions of the credits. The letter of credit is often used in new transaction,massive transaction or a transactionwith the partywho has lower credit. In general, the issuing bank opens the letter of credit by request of buyer in order to help the transaction between seller and buyer and also the issuing bank under letter of credit transaction carries out two functions to get rid of credit risk in seller’s side and mercantile risk in buyer’s side. However, there is a case we should consider what kind of obligation does the issuing bank have under letter of credit transaction. This study attempts to verify the case that because of the bankruptcy of an applicant and an insertion of negotiation embargo in L/C, the judge ruled against the issuing bank even though the issuing bank performed the payment to a seller, and to suggest some precautionswhen an issuing bank opens L/C through the interpretation of embargo.
신용장거래방식은국제무역거래의대표적인대금결제방식으로신규거래, 대규모거래또는신용도가낮은거래상대방과의거래에서많이사용된다.무역계약의주당사자들을도와무역거래가원활하게진행되도록은행이개입하여수입업자인개설의뢰인의요청에따라신용장을개설하고개설된신용장은수출업자에게는대금회수불능의위험을제거해주고,수입업자에게는상품입수불능의위험을제거해준다.본연구에서는신용장개설은행으로서수익자에게정상적으로대금지급을이행하였음에도불구하고개설의뢰인의파산과신용장개설시개설은행이삽입한매입금지조항으로인해개설은행의과실을판결한사례를중심으로신용장개설시신용장개설은행의주의사항및특약에대한해석에대해분석하고시사점을제공한다.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 신용장의 개설과 특약
Ⅲ. 신용장거래에서 금지특약의 해석과 시사점
Ⅳ. 결론