

해외사업 만족도에 관한 결정요인 - 필리핀 세부 진출 한국 상공인의 실태조사 -


Determinants of Satisfaction with Overseas Business - Survey on the status of Korean merchants in the Philippines -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzeswhat factors explain the business satisfaction of Korean merchants in the Cebu area of the Philippines and what they mean. In order to analyze the business satisfaction of the Koreanmerchants, we carried out reliability analysis and factor analysis. Regression analysis was performed using the factors detected here. Finally, three significant components were extracted fromeight variables. In otherwords, component 1was extracted as "child education problem and local satisfaction factor" and component 2 as "factor of size of capital". Component 3was extracted as a variable called "local employee size factor". On the other hand, the results of the regression analysis showed that only "Factors of Child Education and Local Satisfaction" and "Factors of Capital Size" of Component 2were significant factors in determining business satisfaction. However, the factor of "local employee size" of ingredient 3 did not appear to be an important factor in determining the business satisfaction of Korean businessmenwho entered the Cebu-region. Especially, tomaximize profits by employing low-cost local employees is a motive and incentive for Korean merchants to enter Cebu. Suggesting that it is not a factor that determines business satisfaction. Therefore, the factor of "production cost" such as the size of the local employee did not act as an important factor in business satisfaction.


본연구는필리핀의세부지역에진출한한국상공인의사업만족도가어떤요인들에의해설명되고,그것이의미하는것은무엇인지에대하여분석한다.세부진출한국상공인의사업만족도에대한분석을위하여먼저신뢰도분석과요인분석을실행하였고,여기서검출된요인들을이용하여회귀분석을하였다.연구결과최종적으로8개의변수중에서3개의유의한성분이추출되었다. 즉,성분1은“자녀교육문제와현지만족도요인”으로,성분2는“자본의규모요인”으로추출되었다.성분3은“현지종업원규모요인”이라고말하는변수가추출되었다.한편회귀분석의결과는성분1의“자녀교육문제와현지만족도요인”과성분2의“자본의규모요인”만이사업만족도를결정하는중요한요인으로나타났다. 그러나성분3의“현지종업원규모요인”은세부지역에진출한한국상공인의사업만족도를결정하는중요한요인으로작용하지않는것으로나타났다. 특히임금이저렴한현지종업원을고용하여이윤을극대화하려는것은한국상공인이세부에진출하기위한하나의동기(動機)이자유인(誘因)이지,그자체가사업만족도를결정하는요인은아니라는점을시사한다.따라서현지종업원의규모와같은“생산비용”에해당하는요인은사업만족도에중요한요인으로작용하지는않는것으로나타났다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 필리핀의 경제구조와 경제 동향
 Ⅲ. 실증분석
 Ⅳ. 결론 및 시사점


  • 김일식 KIM, Il Sik. 광운대학교 인제니움학부대학 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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