

국제물품매매거래에서 FTA 활용 기업의 무역거래 단계별 주요 쟁점과 대응방안에 관한 연구


A Study on the Main Issues and Countermeasures in International Trade Transactions of FTA utilizing Companies in the International Sale of Goods


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The international sale of goods between the seller and the buyer consist of pre-contractual stage, formation of contract, performance of contract, and termination of contract. Acontract of sale of goods is a contract bywhich the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration, called the price. Since the establishment of the FTA roadmap in 2003, Korea has actively pursuing FTAs with its key trading partners. So far, FTAs with Chile, Singapore, EFTA, ASEAN, India, EU, Peru, USA, Turkey, Australia, Canada, China,NewZealand, VietNam, and Colombia entered into force. The purpose of this study is to examine themain Issues and countermeasures in international trade transactions of FTAutilizing companies in the International Sale of Goods. Results of the study show that several implications based on the utilizing strategies are offered. The Korean companies and government need to do the following : confirmof whether or not party to the FTA and FTA preferential tariff rate in pre-contractual stage, identify of contract conditions for FTA preferential tariff application in formation of contract, confirm of direct consignment and introduce of FTA trade insurance systemin performance of contract, and prepare of FTAex-post verification of origin in termination of contract.


국제물품매매는매도인과매수인간의계약의성립전(前)단계,계약의성립단계,계약의이행단계, 계약의종료단계등으로이루어져있다. 한국은2003년FTA 로드맵에따라주요교역대상국과FTA를적극적으로추진하고있으며,이러한성과에힘입어칠레,싱가포르, ASEAN, 인도, EU,미국,캐나다,중국,콜롬비아등과FTA를발효시켰다.본연구는국제물품매매거래에서FTA를활용하고자하는기업의입장에서무역거래단계별주요쟁점과그에따른대응방안을살펴보았으며,이를바탕으로다음과같은시사점을제시하고자한다.먼저계약의성립전(前) 단계에서는무역상대방이한국과FTA를발효한체약당사국인지의여부확인과협정에따른FTA 적용특혜세율을파악하여야한다.그리고계약의성립단계에서는FTA특혜관세혜택을향유하기위한계약의유의사항을수출자,수입자및국내생산자를중심으로살펴보아야하며,계약의이행단계에서는직접운송요건의확인과FTA무역보험제도(FTA원산지증명서보험)도입과활용이필요하다.마지막으로계약의종료단계에서는주요FTA의원산지사후검증이슈를파악하고이에대한대비를하여야한다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. FTA 시대 무역거래 환경변화
 Ⅲ. FTA 활용 전후 무역거래 단계별 주요 쟁점
 Ⅳ. FTA 활용 기업의 무역거래 단계별 대응방안
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 권순국 KWON, Soon Koog. 경북대학교 경제통상학부 초빙교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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