

싱가포르의 국제상사분쟁해결 허브전략으로서의 국제중재센터(SIAC)외 국제상사법원(SICC)


SIAC plus SICC as International Commercial Dispute Resolution Hub Strategy of Singapore

양선희, 김선정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Singapore government hasmade efforts to improve the environment for the development of the arbitration system by establishing the International Arbitration Center in 1991 and enacting the International Arbitration Act in 1994. Tanks government's support, SIAChas grown into a leading arbitration institution. In January 2015, the Singapore government officially openedSICC to grow the legal services sector and expand the scope for the internationalization and export of Singapore law. The SICCis a division of court in Singapore high court that resolves international commercial disputes with an foreign element, and is drawing attention as a distinct institution from conventional courts. The reason for establishing an innovative and open judicial systemin addition to the SIAC, a generic dispute resolution institution, is in accordancewith the national strategy ofmaking Singapore to be the hub of international commercial dispute resolution and grow its legal services industry. Operating two path, SIAC and SICC, in parallel are an option for parties, and Singaporewill have the opportunity to dealwithmore caseswithin its territory. This paper provides first hand information regarding the dispute resolution mechanism of international commercial disputes in Singapore. If Koreawants to become a leading foruminNortheast Asia for legal services and international commercial dispute resolution, it should have a outstanding differentiated policy.


싱가포르정부는1991년에국제중재센터를설립하고1994년에국제중재법을제정하는등중재제도발전을위한노력을기울여왔다.그결과현재SIAC는유수한중재기관으로성장하였다.이에더하여싱가포르정부는2015. 1. 5.싱가포르국제상사법원을개원하였다. SICC는섭외적요소를지닌국제무역거래에서야기되는사적분쟁을해결하는고등법원내의부로서종래의법원과는명확히다르게설계되었다.이와같이성공적인ADR기관인SIAC에더하여혁신적이고개방적인재판부를신설한것은국제상사분쟁해결의허브를지향하는국가전략에따른것이다. SIAC와SICC의병존은분쟁당사자들에게해결의경로에대한선택지를주는것으로서싱가포르는자국내에서보다많은사건을다룰기회를가질것이다. 국제상사분쟁해결의허브국가를지향하는한국도차별화된전략이있어야한다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. SIAC의 역할과 SICC창설에 대한 구상
 Ⅲ. SICC의 법적 지위
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 양선희 YANG, Sun Hee. 서일대학교 겸임교수, 동국대학교 서울캠퍼스 법학과 박사과정 수료
  • 김선정 KIM, Sun Jeong. 동국대학교 서울캠퍼스 법학과 교수


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