

지아장커 영화에서 사실주의 미학


The Realism Aesthetic in Chinese Cinema through Zia Zhanke's Films


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Zia Zhanke, the 6th generation of Chinese cinema, has produced independent movies, in contrast to the 5th one who has changed to seek commercial filmmaking after the spread of capitalism in China. He finds his root in realim and supports this aesthetic by using documentary filmmaking styles. Moreover he tries to mix all the ingredients in real life by experimenting with sounds and images in order to represent the real more sincerely and truthfully. However he does not hesitate to mix fiction and documentary in his films since it is believed that the reality can be more easily revealed in this hybridity. His works are regarded documents of contemporary chinese society and peoples and also they are reconstructed, creative fictions. His unique style and sensibility capture overlapping moments of the past and the present of chinese history where melancholic nostalgia could be found. Main characters in his films are usually others or minors in society who tend to live passive lives as if rapid and significant developments of society escape them. They are depicted as objects of the sublime. However, in this reason this passive stereotyped labors and minorities in terms of their political positions may well show the limitations of realism aesthetic in Zia Zhanke's films. In this articla, I will try to anylyze several features of Chinese realim aesthic through Zia Zhanke's films, in which sounds and images are juxtaposed with mixed styles of documentary and fiction. However, in recent his works, his perpsective of seeing developments of chinese society has been changed in relation of his status of director in China and World cinema.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 본론
  제1장. 지아장커의 사실주의 미학
  제2장. 사운드 콜라주 기법
  제3장. 공간을 통한 사실주의
  제4장. <상해전기>속의 시선변화
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 전혜인 Chun, Hye-In. 중앙대학교 첨단영상대학원 및 WKTV(워싱턴 코리아 방송국)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1김현미(2011), 「디지털 영화의 리얼리즘에 관한 연구:지아장커의 디지털 영화를 중심으로」 홍익대학교
  • 2Modern Chinese Culture shown in Jiazhangker's Movieearticle 원문 이동
  • 3유경철(2005), 「지아장커의 ‘샤오우’읽기: 현실과 욕망의 ‘격차’에 관하여」 제 52호, 한국중국학회
  • 4정성일(2006), 「지아장커의 스틸라이프(2)」 씨네21 지아장커와의 인터뷰
  • 5정한석(2010), 」지아장커:제14회 부산국제영화제 마스터 클래스」 동서대학교 임권택 영화연구소, 부산국제영화제.
  • 6주진숙(2010), 「지아장커 영화에 나타나는 다큐멘터리와 픽션영화의 경계 허물기」 영상예술학회
  • 7데이비드 스테릿(2010), 고다르×고다르 이모션 북스
  • 8사적다큐멘터리(personal documentary)를 통해 본 동아시아 냉전의 기억들네이버 원문 이동
  • 9Ackbar Abbas(1997), Hong Kong, Minesota university
  • 10Bliss Cua Lim(2001), Spectral Times: The Ghost Film as Historical Allegory Duke university
  • 11Stella Bruzzi(2000), New Documentary: a Critical Introduction, Routledge
  • 12Sun Yishuai(2012), 「A Study on Realism Aesthetics in Jia Zhanke’s films: Focused on Hometown Trilogy」 Ajou University

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