Ushering in the age of the cultural content industry, Chinese classical novels have been utilized in various ways in the cultural content industry, and this serves as a motivation for researchers to expand the scope of their studies on Chinese classical novels and to diversify research methods. A Chinese martial arts masterpiece, 『A Touch of Zen (俠女)』(1970), and a recently released movie, 『The Assassin (刺客 聶隱娘)』(2015) were all developed as cultural content based on Chinese classical novels. As an original source, 『Nieyinniang (聶隱娘)』 and 『Xianu (俠女)』 have a common categorical characteristic, that is, a novel about female knight-errants. As the two novels have a narrative structure focusing on female knight-errants, temporal and spatial backgrounds of martial arts fantasy novels, and stories of female knight-errants, they both have values as an original source of cultural content. Characters of female knight-errants in the novels provides materials to create characters with strong personalities in cultural content. The temporal and spatial backgrounds of martial arts fantasy novels where the concept of “justice(俠)” has been actualized provides valuable materials as an original source of unlimited imagination. Stories of female knight-errants have a plot about marriage and martial arts, and also give interesting narrative materials as an original source of cultural content. When transforming classical novels into cultural content, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of acceptance and transformation in the process of storytelling. Chinese classical novels, 『Nieyinniang (聶隱娘)』 and 『Xianu (俠女)』, were recreated, through the process of creating cultural content, into storytelling about a poetic story of a female knight-errant in 『The Assassin (刺客 聶隱娘)』 and about a spectacular martial arts story of female knight-errants in 『A Touch of Zen (俠女)』.
Ⅱ. 원천소스로서의 소설 『섭은낭』ㆍ『협녀』 서사 분석
제1장. 여협 인물
제2장. 무협 판타지의 시공간
제3장. 여협 스토리
Ⅲ. 영화 『자객 섭은낭』ㆍ『협녀』스토리텔링을 통한 문화콘텐츠화
제1장. 『자객 섭은낭』의 수용과 변용
제2장. 『협녀』의 수용과 변용
Ⅳ. 결론