

TBLT 적용 초등영어 교실수업 — 관찰 분석과 실행 방안


Strategies for Implementing TBLT in Elementary School English Classrooms : Observing and Analyzing a TBLT-applied Lesson


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to discuss the theoretical background of TBLT(Task-based Language Teaching) and analyze a TBLT-applied elementary school English lesson to help teachers implement TBLT in their classrooms. This provides them with an opportunity to recognize and acquire the details of the TBLT lesson including textbooks adaptation, tasks design and sequence, techniques, strategies, etc. under the premise that TBLT is an appropriate approach for realizing core competencies in the curriculum. First, the definitions of tasks and the features, principles and frameworks of TBLT and TSLT(Task-supported Language Teaching) are examined, so teachers can implement them appropriately in the classroom, alongside PPP(Present-Practice- Produce), the main approach reflected in the current textbooks. Then, the observed TBLT-applied lesson is analyzed in terms of Willis & Willis(2007)’s framework. In post-analysis interviews with the teacher C, some points identified in the process of the lesson are discussed as strategies for implementing TBLT in the classroom. In our EFL context, TBLT and TSLT as supplementary approaches to PPP can be usefully implemented in the classroom for higher and lower graders respectively.


I. 서론
 II. TBLT의 특성과 원리, 절차와 방안
  1. 과업의 개념적 정의
  2. TBLT의 특성과 원리
  3. TBLT의 교수 절차와 지도 방안
 III. TBLT 적용 교실수업의 관찰 분석
  1. TBLT 적용 수업의 관찰 분석 배경과 방법
  2. TBLT 적용 수업의 관찰 분석 결과 논의
 IV. TBLT 적용 교실수업의 실행 방안
 V. 결론


  • 김영현 Kim Young Hyun. 광주교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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