

『에드워드 2세』— 동성애와 정치적 욕망


Edward II : Homoeroticism and Political Desire


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The homoeroticism between king Edward and Gaveston in Edward II matters not because of its moral aspect but because of its political aspect. We cannot be sure if the relationship of Edward and Gaveston is condemning sin or pure affection. But it is certain that their relationship has great influence on the English political state in the play. Edward is not a common man, but a king. And a king’s homoeroticism in the Medieval and Renaissance society may certainly undermine the absolute authority of kingship. Actually there are many nobles who disobey and ignore Edward’s authority in the play, and Edward’s minion Gaveston’s arrogance and slyness also undermine the authority of Edward’s kingship. Marlowe advocates for neither Gaveston nor the nobles. Rather by revealing their hidden political ambitions and selfish desires, Marlowe pays attention to the political conflicts and the undermined kingship. However, it is Edward himself who undermines the political myth and authority of kingship most. His addiction to love of Gaveston becomes the dramatic means to deny even his own kingship. The three groups making conflicts in this play are all in pursuit of their own desires: Gaveston and Spencer desire power using Edward’s affection; Mortimer and the nobles also desire their political power even threatening the king Edward; and Edward himself desires Gaveston. The minions and the nobles are hypocritical in that they emphasize loyalty to the king and the kingdom. However, Edward doesn’t have the Machiavellian hypocrisy and duplicity, from which Edward’s misfortune derives. The desires of these three groups deny the political ideology of sacred kingship. Although Marlowe deals with homoeroticism in Edward II, what matters is not the result of the moral corruption. Marlowe focuses on the political desire which lies on the other side of homosexuality, demythifying absolute kingship.


 II. 개비스톤과 스펜서
 III. 모티머와 귀족들
 IV. 에드워드


  • 강석주 Seok-Joo Kang. 목포대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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