

日本在住の移動する人々の言語使用意識 − 留学生の滞在期間と言語習慣に焦点を当てて −


Language Use Awareness among migrants in Japan : Focusing on international students’ length of stay and language behaviors.

村岡英裕, 高民定

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As globalization in the society advances, the language environment in Japan has become more and more diverse, reflected by the increasing number of communicative situations in languages other than Japanese. It is obvious that many of the foreign residents in Japan are transnational in nature and this may have affected their linguistic repertoires as well as their awareness on language use. The present paper analyses the findings of a questionnaire conducted in 2014 and 2015 in order to find out how migrants in Japan, particularly international students in this paper, use and evaluate languages in various types of situations, and what kinds of communication problems they face. Altogether, answers from 71 international students in a university in the Tokyo metropolitan area were analyzed. This paper presents the findings related to their language use by looking at how they self-evaluate their Japanese language ability and their linguistic profiles.


 1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
 3. 調査の概要
  3.1 アンケート調査の内容
  3.2 調査回答者のプロフィール
  3.3 言語レパートリー1
  3.4 日本語能力の自己評価
 4. 課題1の分析結果と考察
  4.1 滞在期間・自己評価によって分類された4グループの言語使用意識
  4.2 滞在期間による言語使用意識の変化の方向性
 5. 課題2の分析結果と考察
  5.1 言語使用グループ聞の日本語使用意識
  5.2 言語使用グループ聞の日本語習得の自己評価
  5.3 言語習慣と日本語使用意識およぴ習得に対する自己評価の相関関係
 6. おわりに


  • 村岡英裕 Muraoka, Hidehiro. 日本千葉大学
  • 高民定 고민정. 千葉大學


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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