

Research on Multipath Virtual Network Mapping Based on Spatial and Temporal Correlation



Network virtualization is an important technology that allows multiple heterogeneous networks running simultaneously share substrate network, it can effectively solve the problem of network ossification. Earlier research has made many heuristic algorithms, but it does not consider the time factor in the embedding process, existing algorithm often make decision according to the present available substrate network resource. This paper, we first explore the time and space of the two dimensional network model, form the perspective of the two-dimensional space-time, we proposed two-dimensional discrete weighted method and multi commodity flow virtual network embedding with time-varying model. We also proposed a virtual network algorithm based on space–time. The simulation result show that the proposed algorithm can effectively utilize the network resources and make substrate network resources maintain the load balance for a long term.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Network Model and Problem Description
  3.1. Substrate Network Model
  3.2.Virtual Network Request
  3.3 VN Embedding Problem Description
 4. Multipath Virtual Network Mapping Based on Spatio-Temporal Correlation
  4.1. Establishing Two Dimensional Resource Measurement Model about Time-Space Correlation
  4.2.Multi Commodity Flow Model Based on Time and Spatial Correlation
  4.3. Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm with the Time
 5. Performance Evaluation
  5.1 Evaluation Environments
  5.2 Comparison Method
  5.3 Evaluation Results


  • Min Zhang Institute of Software and Intelligent Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China
  • Xijie Tang Institute of Software and Intelligent Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China
  • Ming Jiang Institute of Software and Intelligent Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China
  • Qicheng Wang Hakim Information Technology Co., Ltd


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