

A Complete Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Ergodic Channel Capacity of Wireless Random MIMO System



In this article we described the channel capacity of random MIMO channel when CSI is not available at transmitter side. The channel correlation is directly related to capacity of MIMO channel. Also we consider the capacity of MIMO channel when the channel gain between transmitter and receiver is correlated. We compute mathematical equation for calculation of ergodic channel capacity of random MIMO system. MIMO system have very large impact on channel capacity, so it is very necessary to analyze all parameter which are responsible for very high speed data transmission. Because day by day there is very high need of technologies which provide high data transmission. All the simulation in this article are done with the help of MATLAB/Simulink software.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theory of MIMO System
 3. Analysis of Channel Capacity of Random MIMO System
 4. Analysis of Fading Effect on Wireless MIMO Channel
 5. Conclusion


  • Sandeep Thakur Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, MGMCET Kamothe, India
  • Abishek Naithani Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM Dhanbad), India


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