

생활 스포츠편 : 자연과학영역

경혈마사지 처치가 요추간판돌출증 질환에 미치는 효과


Effects of Acupoint Massage to Spinal Disc Herniation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was intended to provethe effects of acupoint massage to spinal disc herniation. First, the patient lied on the stomach on the massage table and the therapist pressed the acupoints like Golden Gate, Extending Vessel, Kunlun Mountains. Second, the patient was in the lateral recumbent position while stretching the bottom leg straight and bending the top leg. Third, the patient lied on the back and the therapist held the patient’s ankle with a hand while holding the patient’s knee with the other hand. Then, the abdomen area was pressed to bring the patient’s feet closer to the hip. While bending the joint to the fullest, this technique was applied to each leg for one minute. And last, the patient crossed his/her legs and both arms were crossed as if covering the shoulders. Among 200 patients, 127 patients showed that they were treated and the effectiveness ratio was 63.5%. Also, 64 patients showed 32% effectiveness ratio and 9 patients showed no effect resulting in 4.5% effectiveness. Therefore, in terms of the effectiveness ratio, acupoint massage brought more than 95.5% positive effect in the treatment of spinal disc herniation. Spinal disc herniation is known to be the most common symptom. It is often experienced by middle-aged class men, from 20 and 40 years old. When the back is strained or exposed to cold energy, the acupoints get blocked, muscle cramp occurs with pain, and disk pressure increases resulting in degenerative cervical disc disease. As a consequence, it compresses nerves and ultimately causes pain in the legs. One channel is from the lower back and flows down to the popliteal fossa via the hip and back of the thigh. The other channel flows from the back of the neck to the popliteal fossa via the shoulder blade, kneecap, and back of the thigh. It is then combined with the front channel and flows down to the outer little toe through the back of the outer ankle bone and the outer top of the foot. This is the route of sciatic neuralgia. Therefore, consistent acupoint massage of these areas not only treats sciatic neuralgia but also spinal disc herniation.


이 연구는 경혈 마사지가 요추간판 돌출증에 어떠한 효과를 미치는지를 규명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 좌측 하지통 증을 동반한 환자는 72명었으며 우측 하지통증을 동반한 환자는 63명이었다. 그리고 양측 하지통증을 동반한 환자는 1명이었고 요통을 호소한 환자는 24명이었다. 하지통증은 뚜렷한데 허리 통증은 없는 환자는 40명 이었으며 아픈 쪽 다리들기 검사에서 양성을 보인 환자는 112명, 약한 양성으로 나타난 환자는 67명, 아픈 다리가 가늘어진 환자는 102 명, 근력이 현저히 떨어진 환자는 33명, 외상을 당한 환자는 138명, 다른 약물치료를 했거나 물리치료를 받은 환자는 156명이었다. 200명의 질환자를 대상으로 마사지 기법 기준에 준거하여 시술을 적용한 결과 치유는 127명으로 나타 났으며 유효율은 63.5%였다. 또한 호전은 64명으로 유효율은 32%를 보였으며 무효는 9명으로 4.5%로 분석 되었다. 따라서 경혈마사지가 요추간판 탈출증 치료에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것은 유효율에 나타난 바와 같이 95.5%이상의 긍 정적인 효과를 보인 것으로 분석 되었다.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Method
  1. Subject
  2. General characteristics
  3. Treatment method
  4. Treatment standard
 Ⅲ. Result
 Ⅳ. Conclusion


  • 육조영 Yuk, Jo-young. 한국체육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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