

A Study of Hybrid Heterogeneous System Based on Big Data Query




With the development of science and technology as well as the advancement of national strategic deployment, study of hybrid heterogeneous system based on big data query has become a hot topic in internet industry both at home and abroad. Information technology has been widely applied in various fields and information has experienced explosive growth. However, different storage environments, collection systems and implementation platforms of information have hindered the communication and sharing of data between platforms and contributed a lot to deficient utilization of data. Thus the concept of heterogeneity comes into being. Heterogeneity in information system refers to difficulties in data utilization due to various data formats. This paper attempts to discuss the heterogeneous data integration methods based on big data and make an analysis. It explores advantages and convenience of design scheme on the basis of LDAP and offers detailed extracting rules for a better visual understanding of the corresponding model on its application.


 1. Introduction
 2. Research Status at Home and Abroad
 3. Design Model of Heterogeneous System
  3.1. Introductions about Models of LDAP
  3.2. Partitions of Model Hierarchies
  3.3. Partitions of Details in Model
  3.4. Design Scheme of LDAP Server
  3.5. Operation Procedures of System
 4. Integration of LDAP Server and Heterogeneous Database
 5. Conclusion


  • Sang Hailing The Open University of Fujian, No.109, guishan Road, Fuzhou, Fujian, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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