Now a day’s data out sourcing is the main focusing term in real time cloud computing applications. Secure data outsourcing is another real time intellectual concept in cloud computing applications for proceeding efficient data transmission. Conventionally Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) performs efficient data security of data outsourcing in cloud. It performs effective data security based on attributes of uploaded data for storage. Attributes are key terms for converting plain file data to Meta (cipher) file, so every time attribute extraction is complexity in data storage in cloud for efficient security analysis. We describe new public cryptographic system which effects fixed size for efficient delegation of decryptions for cipher-texts. So in this paper we propose to KAE (Key Aggregate Encryption) for efficient data security for providing. The novelty is one can aggregate any set of secret keys and make them as complete with single key with power of all the keys been aggregated. We provide security analysis as a development in real time cloud applications for processing access control data delivery between users present in cloud. Our experimental results show efficient security with access control policies in data storage in cloud.
1. Introduction
2. Background Approach
3. Key Generation Encryption
4. Implementation of KAC
4.1. Construction
4.2. Performance
4.3. System Process
5. Performance Evaluation
6. Experimental Setup
7. Conclusion