

A Study on a Comparison of Diagnostic Domain between SNOMED CT and Korea Standard Terminology of Medicine



Applying to standard clinical terminologies is essential for understanding the precise meanings of the clinical terminology used in EMR systems and sharing clinical data among health providers. In Korea, Korean standard terminology of medicine was first introduced as national standard vocabulary for EMR systems in 2014. However, there is little usage yet. So we studied on a comparison of diagnosis domain between Korean standard terminology of medicine and SNOMED CT adapted in many countries. Because it is the most important in medical statistics and clinical studies. Qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and mapping ability were studied through literature review and structure analysis as methods. As a result, Korean standard terminology of medicine was satisfied in the concept orientation, concept permanence, non- semantic concept identifier and mapping to standards terminologies, support for multiple level. But it was not in the multi-hierarchy, language independence, formal definition and so on. And some problems was raveled in the structural aspect and mapping. This paper will help to utilize and improve KOSTOM.


 1. Introduction
 2. Kinds of Clinical Terminology
  2.1. Interface Terminology
  2.2. Reference Terminology
  2.3. Administrative Terminology
 3. Requirements for Terminology
  3.1. Desiderata for Controlled Medical Vocabularies
  3.2. Comparative Studies of Terminologies
 4. Comparative Analysis
  4.1. General Characteristics of Subjects
  4.2. Comparison by Evaluation Criteria of Terminology
  4.3. Structure of Contents
  4.4. Quantitative Evaluation
  4.5. Mapping to Classifications
 5. Discussion
 6. Conclusion


  • Mijung Kim Dept. Of Health Administration, Cheju Halla University, Korea


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