With the rapid development of Internet and information technologies, E-business is rapidly becoming the focus of business activity. However the traditional E-business application system exists the non-unitary technical standards, lack of unified commercial release mechanism, difficult information exchange and cooperation, long development time, difficult reconstruction and upgrading maintenance. A large number of Web services, JAVA EE technology has become more mature and stable. So the key techniques of XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI in Web service are analyzed in detail, then a new E-business application framework based on Java EE and Web services is proposed to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional E-business application system. In the this E-business application framework, the characteristics and architecture of Web service are used to realize the standard and loosely coupled application architecture and guarantee compatible information exchange and cooperation. The Java EE framework is use to ensure the more strong security and better stability for E-business application framework. So the new E-business application framework takes on crossing platform, flexibility and easy expansion, and can meet the openness, complexity, distribution, dynamic and customization of E-business.
1. Introduction
2. Web Services
2.1. Web Service and its Hierarchy Framework
2.2. Key Technologies of Web Service
2.3. Characteristics of Web Service
3. Java EE
4. Dynamic E-Business Application Framework
5. Design and Describe the Dynamic E-Business Application Framework
6. Conclusion